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Watch recorded Zoom presentations on the life and legacy of Edward Hitchcock  with author Robert T. McMaster. Most of these are also available on YouTube.com:


EDWARD HITCHCOCK: AN INTRODUCTION: Edward Hitchcock's life and legacy are summarized in this brief introduction. 3 minutes. Watch Now

EDWARD HITCHCOCK AND THE GEOLOGY OF CAPE COD AND THE ISLANDS:  Explores Hitchcock's role in unraveling the geological history of Cape Cod and the islands of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. 26 minutes. Watch Now
THE DESCENDANTS OF EDWARD AND ORRA WHITE HITCHCOCK: The children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren of Edward and Orra White Hitchcock are the subjects of this video. 18 minutes.
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Hitchcock's role in the development of geology in America including his Massachusetts geological survey, his role in the founding of the Association of American Geologists, and his early embrace of Agassiz's theory of continental glaciation. 15 minutes.
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EDWARD HITCHCOCK'S FOSSIL FOOTMARKS: Without a doubt Hitchcock's most enduring legacy is his research on the fossil footmarks of the Connecticut Valley. He was often ridiculed for his "avian hypothesis" both in his own time and into the 20th century, but recent findings on the phylogeny of the dinosaurs have restored his reputation as a true pioneer in paleontology. 14 minutes.

EDWARD HITCHCOCK ON SCIENCE AND FAITH: Edward Hitchcock's greatest hope was that he could convince fellow scientists, clergymen, and the general public that science and religion need not be enemies. His views on the relationship between science and faith have as much relevance today as they did a century and a half ago. 18 minutes.

THE SERMONS OF EDWARD HITCHCOCK: Before Edward Hitchcock achieved fame as a geologist, paleontologist, and college professor, he was a preacher. Over 200 of his sermons survive, most as hand-written manuscripts, and they reveal a great deal about the man, his faith, and the times in which he lived. 17 minutes.

EDWARD HITCHCOCK'S TREE OF LIFE: The frontispiece of Hitchcock's Elementary Geology, first published in 1840, is an intricate "tree of life," probably the work of Orra White Hitchcock. He labeled it "Palaeontological Chart" and it reveals a great deal of his thinking at the time about the diversity and relationships among living things. Interestingly, it has attracted more attention from historians of science than the remainder of that important and pioneering text. 13 minutes.

Author Talks
and on Zoom

Hitchcock biographer Robert T. McMaster is available to speak to library groups, historical societies, book clubs, high school and college classes in person and on Zoom. He will answer questions from readers, discuss his research and writing process, and bring listeners up to date on some new insights and information that has come to light since the publication of All the Light Here Comes from Above.

Contact him for details or to schedule a session at robertmcmaster24 (at) gmail.com.

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